
How To Paint Lightning Claws Warhammer 40k

The Wolfspear is a Loyalist Space Marine Affiliate comprised entirely of Primaris Space Marines, created from the lineage of the Space Wolves and raised during the Ultima Founding of ca. 999.M41.

Like their ancestral Chapter, the Wolfspear practice not adapt to the dictates of the Codex Astartes, but instead make utilize of many of the same community and organisational designations as the Space Wolves.

The Wolfspear'south intimidating pack-hunting tactics permeate every strategic strata of their Chapter combat doctrine. Packs of stealthy killers swiftly destroy the enemy's vanguard, squadrons of swift vehicles encircle macro-cities, and prowling rapid-strike vessels gut larger spacecraft in the void.

The Wolfspear's precision strikes sever avenues of escape, sowing confusion. Static-laced howls fill enemy vocalization-nets or echo within foes' skulls equally the Affiliate's Iron Priests and Rune Priests unleash tempests of terror.

As the foe desperately try to repulse attacks on multiple fronts, flinching at half-seen blurs, suddenly the Wolfspear strike hard. At a single signal from multiple directions, their packs tear the pharynx from an enemy already in fear.

The Wolfspear was originally created equally an understrength, armada-based Chapter by Lord Commander of the Imperium Roboute Guilliman from the ranks of his Unnumbered Sons when he brought the Primaris Marine creation technology to the Space Wolves of Fenris.

After the end of the first stage of the Indomitus Cause, they were tasked with guarding the Pit of Raukos to prevent any further utilise of that Warp rift past the forces of Anarchy to assault the nearby Imperial worlds.

The Astartes of the Wolfspear were non happy with being placed permanently on garrison duty, hoping to remain on the frontlines of battle, as befit truthful sons of Leman Russ.

The Astartes of the Wolfspear suffer from a deep burden -- though they know their progenitors, the Space Wolves, accept accepted Primaris Space Marines like them into the ranks of their Affiliate, there are still many within the Infinite Wolves who take not yet decided whether to accept Primaris Marines every bit true inheritors of the legacy of the Wolf King despite the acceptance of the Wolfspear by the Great Wolf Logan Grimnar.


  • 1 Chapter History
    • Origins
    • ane.two Kickoff-Slain
    • 1.3 Dark Terror
    • 1.4 Grim Starfarers
    • 1.v Hunters in Darkness
    • 1.6 Notable Campaigns
  • ii Chapter Organisation
    • ii.1 Officer Ranks
    • 2.ii Specialist Ranks
    • two.three Line Ranks
    • two.4 Training Ranks
    • two.5 Specialist Units & Formations
    • 2.6 Rune Priests and Hounds of Morkai
  • 3 Chapter Combat Doctrine
  • iv Chapter Behavior
    • iv.1 Longing for a Hearth
    • 4.ii The Oathbound
  • 5 Chapter Gene-Seed
  • half-dozen Affiliate Recruitment
    • 6.1 Examination of Morkai
  • seven Chapter Homeworld
  • eight Chapter Relics
  • 9 Notable Wolfspear
  • 10 Chapter Fleet
    • Notable Vessels
  • 11 Chapter Appearance
    • 11.ane Chapter Colours
      • Veteran Markings
      • xi.i.2 Jarldom Markings
      • 11.1.three Pack Runes
    • 11.2 Chapter Badge
  • 12 Canon Conflict
  • thirteen Sources

Chapter History


The Wolfspear Primaris Marine Intercessor Igurd Bryn, 2nd Battleline Squad, Halga's Jarldom, proudly displaying his Chapter'due south color scheme.

Through the bloodshed and horror that spreads from the Groovy Rift, the enemies of the Imperium are stalked by the fearsome Wolfspear. Their brooding mien reveals a dark mindset and their grim alliance of dedicated hunters seldom laugh.

Ane of the Ultima Founding's well-nigh unsettling Chapters of Primaris Marines, the Wolfspear are proud inheritors of the genetic legacy of the Wolf Rex. Founded during the early years of the Era Indomitus, the Wolfspear are blood brothers of the fabled Space Wolves and like them descendants of the Primarch Leman Russ. Cold and taciturn, they are nonetheless possessed by a powerful wyrd, a spiritual force or destiny that makes them splendid hunters. Some may even say predators...

Despite their relatively recent foundation, the grim Infinite Marine brotherhood known every bit the Wolfspear have already proved themselves to exist fearsome and ruthless hunters, honouring the genetic legacy of their primarch. Wherever they stalk, the Wolfspear prey upon the enemies of Mankind with a dark hunger intensified by claret-sworn battle oaths and a fierce loyalty to kith and kin.

The Wolfspear Chapter owes its origin to Roboute Guilliman's arrival on Fenris at the head of an Indomitus Cause fleet. Responding to the calamity of the Smashing Rift, the Ultramarines primarch and lord commander of the Imperium came in person to the Space Wolves, bringing with him Primaris Space Marines drawn from the Chapter's own gene-seed and the technological means to forge more of their kind.

Some, he proposed, would join the ranks of the Space Wolves themselves, while others could be used to form new Chapters, furthering the lineage of Leman Russ while adopting the new weapons and doctrines that characterised the Ultima Founding.

Guilliman's gifts evoked complex emotions from all of the Chapters they reached, only few responses were equally fractious and fiery as those voiced in The Fang. Though the Great Companies had been severely depleted by contempo campaigning, the Primaris warriors presented to the gathered Wolf Lords were not initially embraced as pack-mates.

Lips curled and hands tightened around weapon grips at the odor of the newcomers. The Infinite Wolves had not fought alongside these warriors; they had not welcomed them dorsum, encarmine but unbowed, from the Lonely Hunt, nor shared fireside tales and flagons of burning mjod with them in the halls of The Fang.

Equally such, some Wolf Lords argued for the outright rejection of the reinforcements. When Gunnar Red Moon roared that he would sooner chase his quarry alongside a dozen true Sky Warriors than a hundred others with whom he had never feasted, in that location were several growls of agreement. Others held their tongues but brooded warily, distrusting what they saw as an attempt to curb the contained tactical traditions of Fenris, but sensing in the Greyshields the keen instincts and proud begetting of true sons of Russ.

As Great Wolf, information technology fell to Logan Grimnar to dominion on the thing. Having sternly counselled his Wolf Lords to respect the will of Guilliman every bit the Purple Regent during his visit, Grimnar after voiced the Kin-pack Declaration -- a formal recognition of the Space Wolves' successors. Whether forged in The Fang or otherwise, all were scions of the Wolf King, and all should exist permitted to prove their mettle in boxing or earn the contemptuousness of their boxing-brothers.

However, information technology was as well the Great Wolf's duty to safeguard the ancient fighting creed and customs of his kin, and Grimnar's declaration fabricated articulate that the new Successor Chapters -- and any Primaris Marine warriors joining the Space Wolves themselves -- should uphold the ancient customs of the Infinite Wolves, non an Ultramarian ideal. Thus each Primaris pack assumed the traditional roles of Blood Claws, Grey Hunters and so on, as befitted their tactical strengths and experience.


The newly formed Wolfspear Affiliate began life as an under-strength, fleet-based Infinite Marine forcefulness combining Primaris Marine brethren who had voyaged with Roboute Guilliman and other Firstborn Fenrisian initiates elevated to the condition of Sky Warriors in the traditional way, the Wolf Priests being unwilling to close off the recruitment path they themselves had once walked.

Before Roboute Guilliman's cause fleet reached Fenris, the Primaris Marine warriors that voyaged with him faced the flames of battle many times. From ambushes in the void to full-scale confrontations on planets of high strategic worth, Greyshields fatigued from many genetic lineages fought side by side at the primarch's command. Nonetheless, in these early hostilities the scions of Leman Russ quickly gravitated towards each other, forming hunting packs with those they instinctively trusted equally brothers and keeping others at a measured distance.

In the course of these bloody conflicts, there were many Greyshields who fell before their Chapter service could begin. To the Primaris sons of Russ, those lost from their bloodline came to be known as the "First-slain," held in great honour for the feats of arms that bought their kin passage to Fenris. This is peculiarly true of the Wolfspear, and for them an adjuration sworn upon the First-slain is as sombre and binding every bit whatsoever they tin can utter.

Indeed, it is thought that the pale grey livery of the Wolfspear may owe something to the colourless plate in which the Greyshields fought, and though often embellished with runic particular and furs, it serves to remind them of the grey-clad heroes who await them in the realm of Morkai.

Amid these warriors, those of a similar disposition found further common ground, forming bonds that endured within the Space Wolves' Successor Chapters. Hence many of the psychically-inclined amongst them became the nucleus of the esoteric Icefangs Affiliate, while the grim-faced huntsmen who preyed from the shadows found a natural home in the Wolfspear.

Dark Terror

A Wolfspear Primaris Marine Intercessor in Marking X Tacticus Power Armour.

These start Wolfspear warriors showed clear signs of their ancestry: keen-eyed and hungry for the hunt, their pointed canines marked them out as sons of Leman Russ. They bared these fangs simply rarely, however, showing fiddling emotion backside their cold predator'due south poise.

To those amidst the Space Wolves accustomed to bullish camaraderie, this brooding mien made the Wolfspear seem aloof and untrustworthy, simply the more calculating of the Wolf Lords looked beyond the coldness of their new kin and saw a fiercely loyal spirit.

Erik Morkai was particularly struck past the focus and killer instinct the Wolfspear displayed during their early deployments. The Chapter showed a preference for swift terror tactics and vicious executions such as Erik Morkai favoured himself, and in a rare gesture of respect the taciturn Wolf Lord seconded some of his nearly experienced Wolf Scouts to the Wolfspear to impart their deadly hunting methods.

The Wolfspear also found favour with Logan Grimnar, who saw much in them that the Wolf Rex himself would take praised. The dour warriors of the Wolfspear possessed a stiff wyrd -- even Njal Stormcaller spoke of it. They would be the "Grimwolves," the "Nighttime Terror," sent into the void to slaughter without mercy.

To bolster their numbers, Grimnar granted the new Chapter additional warriors drawn from his ain Great Company. A small number of these were hoary Firstborn veterans who stoically crossed the Rubicon Primaris to guide their new packbrothers in battle; others were Space Wolf initiates originally earmarked for Grimnar's own Champions of Fenris Bully Visitor, who became some of the first Fenrisians to receive the gifts of Belisarius Cawl and be transformed into Primaris Marines at the easily of the Wolf Priests in the Fang.

This influx of warriors young and one-time forged close bonds of alliance between the Wolfspear and their parent Chapter, and being every bit yet lacking a homeworld of their own, the Wolfspear began to regard Fenris in a totemic sense; a central presence reaching out to them across the stars, like a moon obscured by deject but known past its diffused light.

Many Fenrisian customs are maintained past the Wolfspear aboard their vessels and during battle, and though pride in their own pack identity comes get-go, the Chapter's Rune Priests and Wolf Priests speak well of the Space Wolves every bit their elder kindred.

Grim Starfarers

Since their inception the Wolfspear have been predominantly an itinerant hunting force, prowling the stars without a homeworld to call their ain. This absence of a permanent planetary headquarters suits their combat doctrine well; those who dwell in shadow tin can choose their battles, encircling their foe unseen before leaping for the kill. Cartoon parallels with the denizens of ancient Fenris, the Affiliate'southward Wolf Priests assert that the ocean-borne kraken is a more elusive foe than the ice bears who dig their dens all likewise predictably in the mountains.

Withal, prolonged candidature puts logistical strains on even the well-nigh resourceful commanders, and like other roaming Adeptus Astartes Capacity the Wolfspear have established clandestine outposts in a number of key strategic star systems.

Whether veiled by inhospitable cloud storms or delved deep into the rock of seemingly barren moons, these surreptitious hunting lairs allow the Wolfspear to re-arm and plan their next excursions far from the gaze of their enemies. In rare cases these scattered sites also serve an boosted purpose equally recruitment points, when the Human populace is accounted rugged and strong-willed enough to yield potential aspirants.

Not past adventure was the Chapter'southward proper name chosen. The Wolf Lords of Fenris had agreed that a force should be formed that could be cast like a javelin deep into the Imperium Nihilus and other forsaken reaches, ranging far ahead of the war zones prioritised by the Indomitus Crusade fleets.

The name also held a deeper resonance for some, evoking the legendary Spear of Russ gifted to their primarch by the Emperor. Simply as Leman Russ had received that artefact reluctantly just learnt to respect its bully power, so at present Roboute Guilliman offered the Primaris Space Marines to the Wolf King's sons; a potent new weapon at a time of peril.

Hunters in Darkness

Founded beneath Fenrisian skies stained by the fell lite of the Cicatrix Maledictum, the Wolfspear take never known respite from the state of war to salvage and renew the Allfather'southward realm. They are the grim scions of the Era Indomitus, bred for a drastic 60 minutes and well adjusted to hunt in the darkness.

The primeval deployments of the Wolfspear Affiliate were vanguard strikes ahead of major Indomitus Cause offensives. Before the massed forces of the Astra Militarum and other Imperial agents made impact, the Wolfspear would seek out and destroy the enemy's deadliest assets, severing bondage of command and sowing disarray earlier leaping back into the shadows.

In these missions the the Chapter's jarldoms competed with each other to demonstrate their prowess, mocking their peers for any operations they deemed too slow, likewise scattered in their application of strength. Royal allies presently institute the Wolfspear to exist restless of spirit, quickly jaded by protracted battle; sooner rather than later, the wilderness of space would call them away, and a fresh pursuit would brainstorm.

Before long, this fact turned the gaze of the whole Chapter towards the Imperium Nihilus. This benighted area had been proposed as the Wolfspear's eventual hunting basis even while Guilliman even so sat in the hall of the Nifty Wolf on Fenris, but few had foreseen the draw that region would so quickly exert upon the Chapter.

In a rare mustering of their full forcefulness, the seven jarls of the Affiliate gathered their fleets at the mouth of the Nachmund Gauntlet, the main known passage through the Great Rift from the Imperium Sanctus to the Imperium Nihilus, and prepared to hunt on an unprecedented scale. Etching momentous oaths upon their blades and battle-plate and howling the Wolf King's name, they embarked into the abyss across the lite of the Emperor.

How the Wolfspear have fared on this perilous voyage tin be gleaned only from distorted fragments and nightmarish echoes. All that is certain is that the jarls' fleets presently became separated, and that the Chapter's scattered sons at present stalk the Emperor'due south foes in numerous sectors cutting off from the Astronomican's calorie-free. Whether they remain the hunters or are now hunted themselves by horrors untold, nothing simply death will break the oaths they have sworn.

Notable Campaigns

  • Guardians of the Pit of Raukos (Unknown Date.M42) - During the Indomitus Crusade, Guilliman and his forces fought a major battle against the forces of Chaos who had emerged from the Pit of Raukos, an ancient Warp rift located in the star system that orbited the dying sun designated 108/Kapalus-9. The Pit was an onetime anomaly, predating the fierce turbulence in the Warp that had created the Great Rift and was located in a region of Wilderness Space that had never been claimed past the Imperium during the Great Crusade. The Pit of Raukos was a deep rift in realspace that was used frequently past both Daemons and Chaos Space Marine warbands to launch raids into the surrounding Imperial infinite with relative impunity. Guilliman's Greyshield Astartes defeated the forces of Anarchy near the Pit, finally clearing the system of all the servants of the Archenemy. In the wake of the Regal victory and after the end of this first stage of the Indomitus Crusade, Guilliman ordered the Wolfspear Chapter of Primaris Space Marines originally created from among the Unnumbered Sons of Leman Russ' genetic lineage to take upward permanent garrison duties about the Pit of Raukos. Their purpose was to prevent the Warp rift from always beingness used by the servants of the Ruinous Powers again. This was an unpopular decision with the Primaris Marines of the newborn Wolfspear, who sought always to remain on the front lines of the Majestic counteroffensive equally they believed proper for true scions of Leman Russ.
  • Cordon Impenetra (Unknown.M42) - The Dark Krakens Chapter and elements of the Wolfspear are currently fighting a tendril of Hive Fleet Leviathan in the Pankallis Sub-sector of the Octarius Sector. The Dark Krakens 5th Company and other Dark Krakens forces under the command of Helm Krijeni Luceior known equally Strike Strength Luceior were despatched by Chapter Master Mezonkyi Reio to the three planets in the Bianzeer's Hollow System to clear them of the Tyranid scourge. They were aided by the Wolfspear, which also joined the fighting on the frozen Decease World oddly named Expiry of Bianzeer.

Affiliate Organisation

Wolfspear Chapter bluecoat

For all their ties of brotherhood with the Space Wolves, the Wolfspear organise themselves in a highly independent fashion, modelling their do on neither the Great Companies of Fenris nor the tenets of the Codex Astartes. The Chapter functions every bit a heptarchy, grouping its warriors into seven distinct battle hosts known equally "jarldoms." These trace their origin to the primeval engagements fought by the Greyshields of Leman Russ' genetic lineage who were later sworn to the Wolfspear.

Boxing past boxing, they gradually gathered into 7 hunting packs, each small and agile plenty to pursue elusive targets and fight on the move. Never recognised officially while attached to the Indomitus Crusade, these vii packs grew tighter equally they hunted and bled together, and when addressing the matter of the Wolfspear Chapter's organisation, Logan Grimnar recognised that only a fool would prise apart such battle-forged loyalties.

While he sanctioned the Wolfspear's chosen unorthodoxies, Grimnar ruled that each hunting pack should formally elect an alpha from amid their number -- a proven warrior who would align their kin in the same fashion equally the Wolf Lords of Fenris. Similar the Space Wolves' Wolf Lords, these leaders were granted all the resources needed to wage state of war in an autonomous way, and each now sails the Bounding main of Stars with a powerful arsenal of weapons and war machines at his disposal, along with enough Primaris Marines to at least equal the fighting force of a conventional Codex Astartes visitor.

Due to the wide-ranging nature of the Wolfspear's mission and fighting style, the Chapter is highly decentralised in its command structure, and each jarl -- every bit its Wolf Lords choose to be known -- leads his own warriors as he sees fit, consulting with the Wolf Priests, Rune Priests and Iron Priests who accompany him. Simply at times of utmost need do the jarls await to a higher authority to govern their actions, and in these circumstances a "high jarl" is nominated from amid the 7: one tasked with uniting the jarldoms to bring down a formidable foe or lend the full weight of the Chapter to wider Imperial objectives.

Similar much of Wolfspear custom, this practice is rooted in pragmatic spoken oaths rather than codification law, and may still evolve as the Affiliate grows longer of tooth. To appointment, the fraternal instincts of the Wolfspear take proved stronger than any differences of grapheme or personality between the jarls, and the Affiliate has shown an almost preternatural ability to coordinate their scattered forces when the demand arises.

Officeholder Ranks

  • High Jarl - The "high jarl" is the title granted by the Wolfspear to their Chapter Primary.
  • Jarl - A "jarl" is the title used past the Wolfspear for the officer rank the Space Wolves call "Wolf Lord" and Codex Astartes-compliant Capacity refer to as a helm, substantially the commander of an Astartes visitor-sized formation, though the Wolfspear call their companies "jarldoms."
  • Battle Leader - "Battle leader" is the term used by both the Space Wolves and the Wolfspear for a Space Marine Lieutenant, the commander of a demi-company.

Specialist Ranks

  • Wolf Priest - Like the Space Wolves, the Wolfspear possess Wolf Priests who combine the roles of Chaplains and Apothecaries found in Codex Astartes-compliant Chapters.
  • Rune Priest - A Rune Priest is what the Wolfspear call a Librarian, a title they inherited for Space Marine psykers from their progenitors.
  • Iron Priest - An Iron Priest is the term that the Wolfspear utilize for a Techmarine, much like their Space Wolves progenitors.

Line Ranks

  • Pack Leader (Sergeant) - A "pack leader" is the term used by the Wolfspear, like the Space Wolves, for what other Capacity would proper name a Space Marine sergeant.
  • Battle-Brother (Initiate)

Training Ranks

  • Neophyte
  • Aspirant

Specialist Units & Formations

  • Wolf Guard - Some Wolfspear, having accomplished feats of exceptional valour and martial prowess, may become members of the Chapter's version of the Space Wolves' Wolf Guard. These mighty Astartes tin can lead smaller forces of Wolfspear drawn from other jarldoms (companies), serve as the Wolfspear's version of an honour baby-sit for the virtually experienced warrior in a deployed Wolfspear force or serve as the pack leader for a jarldom's squads, imparting their cognition and experience to their younger charges and serving equally the equivalent of standard Space Marine sergeants.
    • Thunderwolf Cavalry - Thunderwolf Cavalry units are a sub-group of the Wolfspear's Wolf Guard. According to official Imperial records, the Thunderwolf Cavalry doesn't be and the Space Wolves and their Successor Capacity keep them equally a closely guarded undercover. Thunderwolves are giant Fenrisian Wolves that stand almost the acme of a Terran rhinoceros and are used as mounts by the most aristocracy members of the Wolf Guard. Thunderwolves are used in the near-mythical Thunderwolf Cavalry, and are oft augmented with adamantium jaws, Purple bionics, and dorsum-jointed metal limbs that end in razor-sharp blades. The havoc that these creatures are capable of wreaking is said to be startling to fifty-fifty a hardened Veteran Wolfspear. The taming of a Thunderwolf is oftentimes used as a ritual trial for a Wolfspear Astartes who wishes to ascension into the ranks of the Wolf Baby-sit.
  • Wolf Scouts - For some Wolfspear Astartes, the close-knit and boisterous brotherhood of the pack (squad) is not well-suited to their personality, as they yearn for the open spaces and isolation of the Sea of Stars. These Space Marines are selected to get function of a jarldom's Wolf Scout force, providing reconnaissance and disrupting enemy movements. These Space Marines are often already Veterans, as opposed to the raw neophytes commonly used in other Chapters' Scout Marine squads.

Rune Priests and Hounds of Morkai

A Wolfspear Rune Priest conjuring his powerful elemental gifts in battle.

Amongst the Wolfspear and most other Ultima Founding successors of the Space Wolves, there are a select few who possess tempestuous psychic abilities. Like the Rune Priests of Fenris, these powerful Astartes battle-psykers wield their mental might to aid their brothers and phone call downward ruinous storms upon their foes.

Wolfspear Rune Priests are particularly sinister specimens of their kind. Often wreathed in billowing shadow through which only their ice-blue eyes can be seen, they use their elemental gifts to strike terror and panic into the enemy, plunging the battlefield into eerie darkness earlier wreaking havoc with flensing blizzards and deadly lightning blasts.

The Wolfspear also make frequent use of the psyker-hunting packs known as "Hounds of Morkai." Marked beneath their Phobos armour with powerful runes of warding, these specialist killers are a formidable threat to enemy Warp-wielders, and their spooky presence has been known to reduce their psychic quarry to whimpering wretches even before their knives and pistols consummate the impale.

Chapter Gainsay Doctrine

Personal markings and variant helmet designs are mutual across the Chapter.

The warriors of the Wolfspear are master packhunters, every aspect of their combat doctrine focused on the coordinated tracking, pursuit and destruction of their quarry. The first scent of the foe tin be picked up in many ways -- sometimes a single psychic ripple will attain a Wolfspear Rune Priest and give rise to a chase, while other trails may arise by post-obit signs left amid the rubble of cleaved cities or the wreckage of ambushed fleets. Whatever the initial trace, the Wolfspear close upon their enemy in complete stealth, observing their behaviour and movements until their weaknesses become clear.

Phobos-armoured Infiltrator packs excel in this part, prowling behind enemy lines to probe defences and quickly silence threats that would slow the main Wolfspear set on. Next, Eliminator packs begin a entrada of terror that relents only when the battle is won, sowing panic and confusion with long-ranged assassinations from the shadows.

With the enemy incorrect-footed and bleeding, the total Wolfspear assail begins. Utilising speed and surprise, squadrons of Outriders and swift anti-gravitic transports strike from multiple angles, severing avenues of escape and drawing valuable targets abroad from the protection of their allies. Thunderwolf Cavalry and other close support packs and so encircle their isolated foes and move in for the killing bite, capitalising on the fear their battle-brothers have instilled in the prey.

As much as possible, the Wolfspear translate these aforementioned tactics to the void, terrorising and outmanoeuvring larger fleets and launching precision strikes to tear the throats from the most vulnerable targets. Where such clashes can differ markedly from ground operations is the pursuit phase, however, owing to the vastness of space.

Once the Wolfspear take made contact with enemy vessels, they volition gladly chase those who effort to evade them. Whether the trail spans star systems, sectors, or even the nether-realms of the Warp, the Wolfspear regard such pursuits equally a test of their stamina and patience, knowing that their targets will eventually tire or succumb to the wounds dealt to them at the boxing's outset.

Bled dry out and haunted past spectral pursuers they cannot shake off, many targets lose the will to flee, and yield hands when the Wolfspear boarding arts and crafts finally make impact.

Affiliate Beliefs

Longing for a Hearth

Though they would be quick to deny information technology, the lack of a permanent homeworld colours the psyche of the Wolfspear on a subliminal level. As sons of Leman Russ they are innately territorial beings, and their deployment deep into the Ocean of Stars offers the Chapter scant opportunity to claim long-term hunting grounds or win victories in the name of a planetary fastness of their own.

Amid other genetic descendants of Russ, there are those who odor in their Wolfspear kin a silent yearning tor a hearth that will ane day exist theirs to fortify and defend with the aforementioned ferocity that the Fang is defended by the Infinite Wolves; a stronghold that, similar the Fang, will echo with the chanting of sagas and the remembrance of the battle-slain.

Perchance for this reason, Wolfspear forces have been known to punish dug-in foes without mercy, razing fortifications and butchering their garrisons far beyond the needs of victory. Outwardly they would explain this savagery as retribution against static foes who robbed them of the thrill of pursuit, but equally probable is that they view any try to concur fortified positions confronting them every bit a mockery of their nomadic state.

The Oathbound

Similar their parent Chapter, the Wolfspear place great importance in tradition, and the ancient exercise of oathmaking is key to their culture. Equally the Chapter'due south saga grows more lengthy with each passing battle, the deeds of their fallen heroes counterbalance heavier upon those that notwithstanding live -- valorous acts must be honoured with yet greater heroism, and the slain must be avenged.

To bind themselves to this duty, Wolfspear warriors make solemn vows before battle and carve runic representations of them into their weapons and armour, oftentimes inlaying these with burnished metal or the powdered bones of lost comrades. Some warriors also ink their oaths into their very mankind, so that to look upon the bared face of a Wolfspear Veteran is similar viewing an ancient runestone covered in sigils.

When several Wolfspear brethren are pledged to a similar cause, they volition sometimes grade into sub-packs dedicated to their shared adjuration. Whether sworn to chase downwards the killer of their fallen alpha or to destroy a fastness used past heretical cults, these Oathbound potable together in firelit halls and salute their common purpose with raised horns of mead. Though ever loyal to their jarl and the broader goals of the Chapter, few factors can stay the wrath of such transhuman warriors when their sworn objective comes within attain.

Chapter Gene-Seed

The Wolfspear are proud genetic sons of the Primarch Leman Russ, and feel a strong sense of kinship with all who share the Wolf King's genetic legacy. Similar their forefather, they exhibit the corking senses and instinctive assailment of born hunters, and though they rarely testify the fiery emotions that marking out many of their kin, the Wolfspear's struggle to contain their inner beast is no less intense.

When the Primaris Marine cosmos technologies were showtime presented to the Space Wolves, Ulrik the Slayer proposed that they might exist the fundamental to overcoming the bestial genetic flaw that resides within every son of Russ: the Curse of the Wulfen. The Wolf Loftier Priest's hopes were not borne out, however.

In the Wolfspear and all other Primaris descendants of Leman Russ, this genetic anomaly lives on, and from the moment aspirants receive the Canis Helix, a lifelong concrete and mental boxing begins. Like unnumbered Space Wolves before them, any Wolfspear warrior may become overwhelmed by his inner savagery during the heat of battle, and descend into a berserk frenzy.

For some this state subsides with the ceasing of gainsay; for others the transformation is too complete, and they serve the Wolfspear as feral Wulfen from that point onwards.

Affiliate Recruitment

Test of Morkai

As a armada-based Chapter with no unmarried recruitment source, the Wolfspear have yet to establish stock-still initiation rites alike to those practised for millennia on Fenris. While the Infinite Wolves examination their aspirants in the wilderness beyond the Fang after gifting them with the Canis Helix in what is known as the Exam of Morkai, the Wolfspear must be adjustable, and conduct their own Tests of Morkai across diverse secret, inhospitable environments.

One such proving ground is the Decease World of Zordion, whose parched deserts are a far weep from the icy terrain of Fenris. Those cast into this desolate place must master the monstrous transformations triggered within them by the Canis Helix and fight their manner back to the Wolfspear drop zone, hewing a path through the xenos horrors that erupt from the sands around them.

Other aspirants struggle through landscapes more comparable with the Infinite Wolves' frigid homeworld, such as the perilous water ice moon of Xindos II. Wherever they are tested, these warriors face the same gauntlet as their counterparts on Fenris, and merely the strongest progress into the elite alliance of the Wolfspear.

Affiliate Homeworld

A Wolfspear fleet conducting a raid againt a Chaos Fleet during the Indomitus Crusade.

Unburdened by a home planet to protect or a wider battle line to support, the Wolfspear are gratis to rails their prey into the furthest wilds of the galaxy, pausing only to seize what supplies they need from the beleaguered planets they find.

The strike cruiser Umbral Claw is the closest thing to a Affiliate flagship that the Wolfspear possesses. This vessel bears High Jarl Irik Stianolf himself through the void, acting at once as the armoury, spiritual sanctum and lordly courtroom of his jarldom.

While several of these forces will gladly work in concert to harry and bring downwardly high value targets, each Wolfspear jarl's flotilla is fully democratic, capable of hunting alone for standard years if demand be. This has inevitably led to subtle variations of culture and fighting style betwixt the unlike roaming fleets of the Wolfspear, and on the rare occasions when the Chapter convenes in full, the warriors of each jarldom gather to exchange hunting tales and scrutinise the deeds of their peers.

Affiliate Relics

  • Elemental Shroud - The weave of this Cameleoline Cloak emulates the movements of the elements. As a gust of wind passes, as rain falls across the battlefield, as the haze of heat shimmers the air, the bearer'southward form flickers in and out of perception. If the bearer remains stationary, they are clouded entirely, a ghost lost to the wilds.
  • Totem of Storms - This runic totem empowers the Rune Priest who bears it. As they aqueduct their psychic free energy, the totem awakens, gathering a tempest overhead. Its presence is a reservoir of psychic free energy the psyker draws from, giving them mastery of psychic powers manifested in the battle.
  • Blacktooth - Blacktooth is a ability sword kept under the watchful center of the Chapter'due south Rune Priests, for it is whispered that dark spirits empower its border. Information technology is bestowed only to warriors who hunt alone, for the bind between blade and bearer takes a toll on the bonds of brotherhood. When the bearer is seemingly lost to the chase, the Rune Priests repossess Blacktooth and return information technology to the Affiliate's vaults every bit the bearer is brought dorsum into the fold.

Notable Wolfspear

  • High Jarl Irik Stianolf - Irik Stianolf was the first Wolfspear jarl raised to the position of overlordship in the Chapter, having won the respect of his pack-mates while fighting equally an unliveried Greyshield warrior in Roboute Guilliman's Indomitus Crusade fleet. His nomination came as the unabridged Chapter prepared to brave the Nachmund Gauntlet and hunt in the haunted void beyond. What bitty reports escaped the Imperium Nihilus spoke of nightmarish weather condition and blasphemies beyond count, and the jarls agreed that ane amongst them should be their master, should a coordinated set on testify possible. Sparing with words but always at the forefront of ambushes and precision strikes, he showed an uncanny ability to direct those effectually him, executing encirclements and impale missions as though his brethren were extensions of his ain will. Irik himself attributes his successes to the hunting traits innate to every son of Leman Russ, which he simply directs towards the destruction of the enemy, leading by case. To those outside the Affiliate, Stianolf is an unsettling character who seems to describe unnatural sustenance from the fear elicited from his foes. While it is true that the scent of panic does stoke cold fires in the high jarl'due south optics and intensifies his battle lust, he views the tormenting of his enemies as but a means to an end, and derives no pleasure from information technology; the more than fearful the prey, the more easily they can be outwitted and slain.
  • Jarl Halga Hyrdred - Halga Hyrdred is a jarl of the Wolfspear and the commander of one of its seven jarldoms. Battle-Brother Igurd Bryn served in Halga'due south Jarldom after being recruited into the Wolfspear from Fenris.
  • Battle Leader Rakmeyr Bluewolf - Bluewolf was among the Wolfspear forces that were sent to defend the Pankallis Sub-sector from Hive Fleet Leviathan. Bluewolf fought to cleanse the Tyranids from the world of Death of Bianzeer.
  • Sergeant Bjarni Arvisson - Bjarni Arvasson was originally a sergeant in command of an Inceptor Squad in the Unnumbered Sons, the ix Legion-sized forces created past Roboute Guilliman which comprised one-half of the Primaris Space Marines created during the Ultima Founding who were not placed inside the normal Adeptus Astartes Chapter construction. He, along with many of his Space Wolves-derived brethren, were initially formed into the Wolfspear Chapter to guard the Pit of Raukos.
  • Igurd Bryn - A stern and stalwart warrior of the Wolfspear battleline who serves in the 2d Battleline Squad of Halga's Jarldom, Igurd Bryn has served his jarl with honour since the earliest days of the Chapter's formal foundation. Bryn was born on Fenris and passed into the service of Jarl Halga Hyrdred after his physical height as a Primaris Space Marine was completed in the Fang. Though he now hunts in the galactic darkness far from his birth earth, Bryn wears below his armour many ritualistic reminders of his Fenrisian heritage. Jagged runes and adjuration-sigils pattern his pale skin in red and black ink, attesting to his descent from Russ while also marking his deeds every bit a Wolfspear warrior. Bryn's boxing-plate is more reserved in its ornamentation by comparison -- bold, practical markings signify his role inside the Chapter -- but this as well will likely go graven with farther totemic signs of his own choosing as his state of war-voyage goes on.

Chapter Armada

The Wolfspear maintain no unmarried uppercase ship that tin can be likened to the mobile fortress-monasteries of some Capacity, prioritising stealth and agility over sheer tonnage or firepower.

Instead, each of the Chapter's vii jarls -- the alpha warriors largely comparable to Wolf Lords or Primaris Captains -- operates from a personal strike cruiser, accompanied by a fleet of smaller escorts and attack craft.

Notable Vessels

  • Umbral Claw (Strike Cruiser) - The Umbral Claw is the closest the Wolfspear come to possessing a flagship or a mobile fortress-monastery, a tradition mostly eschewed past the Wolfspear who prefer that their fleets remain highly maneuverable. This vessel bears High Jarl Irik Stianolf himself through the void, acting at once every bit an armoury, spiritual sanctum and the lordly courtroom of his jarldom.

Chapter Appearance

The Wolfspear are ane of the few Successor Chapters of the Space Wolves. Though they were forged alongside other Primaris Space Marines in the Ultima Founding by Archmagos Dominus Belisarius Cawl, the warriors of the Wolfspear still carry the genetic lawmaking of the Primarch Leman Russ and, as such, accept much in common with both him and their parent Chapter.

Like their illustrious forebears, the Wolfspear flout thetenets of the Codex Astartes, ignoring Codex-canonical insignia in favour of their own tribal markings and heraldry.

Most characteristic stylised hook or fang marks, while others resemble the spearhead of the Spear of Russ -- a potent artefact wielded by the Allfather during the days of the Horus Heresy. Squad numbers are similarly replaced with Fenrisian runes.

Affiliate Colours

Case Wolfspear Chapter bluecoat and tactical role insignia. From left to right: Chapter badge, battleline, shut support and fire support tactical insignia. The Chapter badge is featured on the left pauldron. Other insignia are featured on the right.

The Wolfspear predominantly paint their ability armour in a tedious gray livery, similar to the light blue-gray of their progenitors, with the exception of their backpacks and insets of their shoulder pauldrons, which are black, as well as their faceplates, which are white. A dull, golden Imperialis or wolf-variant chest decoration is worn upon their breast plate.

The Chapter icon is proudly built-in on the left shoulder pauldron while the right bears a unique red Chapter insignia that indicates a battle-brother's assigned battlefield tactical role; a lozenge (diamond) for battleline; a lightning bolt for shut support and a triangle for fire support.

Veteran Markings

Instance Veteran markings utilised by the senior formations of the Wolfspear.

Veterans, Wolf Baby-sit Battle Leaders, Honour Guard and Ancients all supersede the battlefield tactical role iconography with bespoke pack-mark designs in a combination of white, black and ruddy on their right shoulder plate.

A jarl may utilise similar designs in their own personal heraldry.

Jarldom Markings

Markings used by the different jarldoms of the Wolfspear; the eighth "all black" insignia is used by Wolfspear Scout Squads.

The Space Wolves use a radically different system of markings than that used past Codex Astartes-compliant Chapters.

Rather than using the company markings every bit laid downwards in the Codex Astartes, the Space Wolves use a number of different wolf badges to denote the dissimilar Not bad Companies that make up the Chapter. These include some form of a stylized wolf sigil denoting some aspect of the native Fenrisian mythology.

The Wolfspear are similar to their progenitors, as they as well do non use the same arrangement of standard markings institute within the Codex Astartes. The Affiliate is comprised of merely vii "jarldoms" (companies), each the equivalent of a Codex Chapter's Battle Visitor.

They are led past an officer chosen a "jarl" (a captain or Wolf Lord equivalent) who possesses close to full autonomy over the direction of his jarldom. In lieu of the usual wolf iconography utilised by their progenitors to indicate company assignment, the Wolfspear instead utilize various jarldom insignia.

The eighth "all blackness" emblem is used past Scout Squads beyond all seven jarldoms. Jarldom markings are e'er featured on the right knee plate.

Pack Runes

Common Fenrisian pack runes used by Wolfspear battle-brothers.

Every battle-blood brother in a unit bears the same pack (squad) rune somewhere on their armour or equipment. These runes, identical to those used by the Human tribes of Fenris, are similar to the Loftier Gothic unit numbers used by Codex Astartes-compliant Chapters, though the Wolfspear exercise non specify where they must be placed.

Genu guards, tasset plates and backpacks are all common places for the pack rune to exist plant. Also, Wolfspear battle-brothers practice not display squad numbers. Instead they have runic pack markings, which are oft displayed on their leg armour or backpack.

Chapter Badge

The Wolfspear's Affiliate badge is a large white wolf's caput face on, fangs bared centered above a piar of 2 red spears crossed behind information technology, pointing downwards, centered upon a field of black.

Canon Disharmonize

In the novel Nighttime Imperium by Guy Haley, it was originally stated that the Wolfspear established their Chapter homeworld upon the planet of 108/Beta-Kalapus-9.2, which lay near the Pit of Raukos, an former, isolated Warp rift located in a region of Wilderness Space never claimed by Humanity.

According to this source, post-obit the defeat of the forces of Chaos during the Indomitus Crusade, the newly-established Wolfspear Affiliate were charged past the Primarch Roboute Guilliman with standing eternal acuity over the 108/Beta-Kalapus-9.2 System for any further Chaos incursions.

However, with the release of White Dwarf 468, "Index Astartes: The Wolfspear - the Nighttime Terror," newly established canon states that the Wolfspear are now a armada-based Chapter as they are predominantly an afoot hunting force, preferring to dwell in the shadows, able to pick-and-choose their battles as they run into fit.

This source as well states that the Wolfspear, like other roaming Capacity, take established several secret outposts in a number of key strategic systems in lodge to re-arm and program further excursions, which implies that 108/Beta-Kalapus-9.2 is but one of many such existing outposts.


  • Nighttime Imperium (Novel) by Guy Haley, Chs. 6, x, 15
  • Codex Supplement Space Wolves (ninth Edition), pg. 15
  • White Dwarf 466 (July 2021), "Flashpoint: Octarius - Blood and Snowfall", pg. 23
  • White Dwarf 468 (Sept 2021), "Alphabetize Astartes: The Wolfspear - The Dark Terror", pp. sixteen-25
  • Guy Haley Twitter Feed - Shows Fan Fabricated Chapter colours and badge


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